Westmoreland Produce was established in 1989 by Arnulfo and Rosa Medina. The pair began their operation by leasing just 4 acres of land. By starting the farm without access to heavy machinery, all of the farm work was originally completed through a combination of small hand tools and determined elbow grease. As the years and growing seasons passed, the Medinas began to learn more and more about farming, and acquired some much needed farm equipment along the way. Now, the Medinas own three farm locations. Two of the plots of land are in Warsaw, Virginia, and one is located in Hague, Virginia – amounting to 120 acres in total.
Westmoreland Produce remains family owned and operated, and is now worked by the Medinas’ four adult children, and two grandchildren. The farm utilizes drip irrigation to properly water their crops without wasting water. Plus, they rotate their crops to protect the fertility of the land, and the quality of the resulting harvests. The farm is committed to the produce they grow, and the family still handles all of the harvesting themselves. At Westmoreland Produce, they insist on letting food ripen on the vine, stalk or bush and only harvest when the crops are ready to be sent to market (or, put in your baskets!) The Medinas grow a multitude of crops including arugula, root vegetables, cabbage, tomatoes, corn, melons, peppers, squash and eggplant! The past couple of weeks, we’ve been receiving the farm’s delicious field lettuce (pictured.) We’re so excited to have Westmoreland Produce on board. When we find a small, local, family owned farm that is already committed to the farming practices we encourage, we know we’ve met a perfect match!
About Seasonal Roots
Since 2011, Seasonal Roots’ online farmers market has connected Virginia families with local family farmers who use sustainable, humane practices. Our neighborhood market managers – who believe in living better through scrumptious, healthy eating, being kind to animals, protecting the environment, and spreading joy – home-deliver freshly harvested produce, pastured eggs, grass fed dairy and meat, plus artisan fare. We empower our members to eat better and live better with more nutritious, flavorful food that’s good for us and good for the planet. More info at seasonalroots.com.